25 June 2016
When it comes to resurfacing your fireplace or updating the flooring in your home, natural stone can be an obvious choice. The beauty and durability of natural stone has allowed this material to become popular among homeowners; but, it's important to recognize that stone can also be versatile for smaller projects. Here are three unique ways that your can use natural stone in your home and landscaping. 1. Add personality to your kitchen island.
27 May 2016
Dealing with a rodent problem in your home can often be quite difficult and stressful, mostly because those types of infestations are usually very resilient. However, a professional pest control service can make it much easier to deal with. Listed below are three reasons why you should consider hiring a professional to deal with your rodent infestation. Humane Methods One big reason to hire a professional for rodent control is if you want to make sure that the rodents are removed from your home in a humane manner.
3 May 2016
Your HVAC system takes up a great deal of the energy that your home uses, as experts suggest that it accounts for 48 percent of your home energy. There are a few steps for maintaining your heater that will help you be a good steward of this energy, keep your home warm and guarantee longevity for the HVAC system as a whole. These four tips below will help you to that end.
6 April 2016
Spotting a cockroach in your home can be quite the disgusting sight, and it will most likely motivate you to hire an exterminator. Even after the pests have been eliminated, you still need to do your part in keeping the kitchen clean. Try following these 5 tips to stop cockroaches from coming back. Take Your Trash Out Every Day A simple way to keep the cockroaches and various pests away from your home's kitchen is to keep the trash away from your kitchen.
7 March 2016
As the spring weather starts to warm things up, it's time to start thinking about your garden. If you have strawberry plants or are planting some for the first time this year, you'll need to make sure that you have the right mulch for the base of the plants. Mulch is important for protecting the roots of strawberry plants throughout the season, but you need to be selective. Here's a look at what you should know about selecting and using mulch for strawberry plants.
4 February 2016
Take a look at the pillow section in most department stores and you'll see pillows made in all sorts of firmness levels and sizes. These levels and sizes are usually linked to particular sleeping positions, like best for back sleepers and best for side sleepers. But if you're a combination sleeper, someone who turns a lot and doesn't have a single preferred sleep position, you could end up choosing the wrong pillow.
12 January 2016
If you own rental property, you will want to have the least stress possible when it comes to renting out your unit. This can be a challenging thing to do, and it's ideal to rely on the expertise of a property manager to help you. By knowing three reasons to hire this type of company, you may be more motivated to do so. Reason #1: Screen tenants The best way for you to have as little stress as possible is by getting the right tenant.
16 December 2015
If you and your child are bored on a rainy day, make a decorative lantern with them by completing the following steps. Hang the lantern from a hook inside of your home or outdoors in an area that you and your child often spend time in so that you both can enjoy the attractive lighting. Materials glass jar or plastic jug detergent scrub brush water stencils two-sided tape poster paint paintbrushes small dishes marbles LED light wire wire cutters Clean The Jar And Paint Its Exterior
20 November 2015
If spending time in your kitchen preparing a meal sounds more like a punishment than a fun experience, there are appliances you can buy to help make preparing meals easier. Here are 4 appliances you should have in your kitchen if cooking just isn't your thing or you want to make the process of handling garlic, grating cheese, and other cooking tasks simpler. Garlic press Peeling fresh cloves of garlic can leave your hands smelly, and it's difficult to successfully peel off all those layers of papery skin to get the garlic within.
27 October 2015
With the holidays quickly approaching, it's time to break out the winter decor and create a unique and personalized look for your home. One of the most eye-catching and dramatic ways you can create a holiday feel is to decorate your staircase railings. Whether you have a simple modular staircase or have built your staircase with stair railing kits, you can create a beautiful holiday look for your stairs with these simple yet breathtaking ideas.